How well do you really know your customers?

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How well do you really know your customers?

I am sure you know when you’re regulars pop in, who always orders that dish that no one else does, but how much do you really know about your customers, when they spend, how they spend and how they interact with your brand?

In the highly competitive restaurant industry, understanding your customers is paramount to success. Deep segmentation, a strategy that involves categorising customers into specific groups based on various factors, can provide valuable insights for restaurant owners.

By implementing deep segmentation techniques, restaurant owners can gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ preferences, behaviours, and needs.

In this blog post, we will explore how restaurant owners can utilise deep segmentation to truly get to know their customers and enhance their overall dining experience.

Collecting and Analysing Customer Data

The first step in utilising deep segmentation is to collect and analyse customer data. Restaurants can start by implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system or loyalty program to capture valuable information such as dining preferences, frequency of visits, and order history. By gathering this data, restaurant owners can gain insights into customer behaviour patterns, identify trends, and discover unique preferences across different customer segments. This information serves as the foundation for effective deep segmentation and helps tailor experiences to specific groups.

Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation

Demographic and psychographic segmentation are two key components of deep segmentation for restaurant owners. Demographic segmentation involves categorising customers based on characteristics such as age, gender, income level, and location. Psychographic segmentation focuses on understanding customers’ motivations, lifestyle choices, and preferences. By analysing these aspects, restaurant owners can develop targeted marketing campaigns, create menu items that cater to specific dietary preferences or cultural tastes, and offer promotions that align with customers’ interests. This level of personalisation enhances customer satisfaction and builds stronger connections with patrons.

Behaviour-Based Segmentation

Another vital aspect of deep segmentation for restaurant owners is behaviour-based segmentation. This approach involves analysing customers’ dining behaviours, including visit frequency, average spending, preferred dining times, and menu preferences. By understanding these behaviours, restaurants can tailor marketing efforts, loyalty programs, and promotional offers. For instance, if a segment of customers tends to dine during lunchtime, restaurants can create lunch specials or discounts specifically for that group. Behaviour-based segmentation also helps identify customer preferences for specific cuisines or ingredients, enabling restaurants to curate their menus accordingly.

Personalised Marketing and Engagement

Deep segmentation empowers restaurant owners to create personalised marketing and engagement strategies. By understanding customer preferences and behaviours, restaurants can target specific customer segments with personalised promotions, offers, and recommendations. This level of customisation makes customers feel valued and appreciated, ultimately enhancing their overall dining experience. Moreover, personalised engagement through channels like email marketing, social media, or loyalty programs allows restaurants to maintain regular communication with customers, keeping them informed about special events, new menu items, or exclusive promotions.

Continuous Feedback and Iteration

Deep segmentation is an iterative process that requires ongoing analysis and refinement. Restaurants should encourage customer feedback through surveys, online reviews, or feedback cards to gain insights into their dining experience. This feedback provides valuable information that can be used to refine deep segmentation strategies and improve the overall customer experience. By listening to customer input and continuously adapting offerings based on their preferences, restaurant owners can foster a sense of loyalty and ensure customers feel heard and appreciated.

Deep segmentation offers restaurant owners a powerful tool to truly get to know their customers. By collecting and analysing customer data, implementing demographic, psychographic, and behaviour-based segmentation, and personalising marketing and engagement strategies, restaurants can create tailored dining experiences that meet the unique needs of their customers, ultimately fostering loyalty and long-term success in the competitive restaurant industry.

Creating Raving fans through loyalty podcast

Recently Charles Grey, CRO from Paytronix, sat down to discuss his thoughts on loyalty & creating raving fans in the hospitality industry with our partners podcast, Tech on Toast

Further resources:

11 messages you should use to get the best customer engagement

The 4 signs it’s time to revamp your loyalty programme: