Is your restaurant doing enough to stand out? Try these 6 great EPOS promotional ideas

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Is your restaurant doing enough to stand out? Try these 6 great EPOS promotional ideas

Like all restaurateurs, you know your establishment lives and die by repeat business – making customers so happy that they’ll not only come back again but also recommend you.

Building up this kind of loyal clientele, though, can be tough when there’s so much competition.

One of the main problems, according to Trish Caddy, a food service analyst for Mintel, is this:

Foodservice operators that base their strategy around promotions are not doing enough to stand out,” she says.

“Brands also need to show that they care about the well-being of their customers by responding with menu choices that cater to healthy lifestyles.”

Trish has a point. Who doesn’t love a money-off voucher? It only really works, thought, if it’s giving a discount on something you really want.

So what can you do to lift your restaurant promotions out of the humdrum and make them stand out? Restaurants with their finger on the pulse of the latest trends are finding the answer in the latest EPOS solutions.

This advanced technology, designed specially for restaurants and bars, makes sure your promotions matter.

6 ways EPOS solutions can promote business at your restaurant:

  1. You get to know your customers better
  2. You can reward them better
  3. Also get to know your business better
  4. Identify and maximise your downtime
  5. Design more creative offerings
  6. Build your reputation on social media.

You get to know your customers better

With EPOS solutions, you can constantly capture helpful data about your diners. It means you can cater for their needs better and provide a personalised service.

These EPOS solutions create an effortless customer journey from online reservations to faster seating, including quick, accurate ordering and payment at tableside via handheld terminals used by your staff.

You can reward diners better

Now you know what your guests really like, you are able to create offers that appeal directly to them, creating loyalty programmes that are far more than a simple discount.

For example, did they dine last Valentine’s Day with a glass of fizz each? Why not offer it free if they book again this year?

Also get to know your business better

A complex hospitality business can be hard view end-to-end, but EPOS solutions provide comprehensive reports that are available in real time online, keeping track even if you are a multi-location group.

This deep knowledge of operations helps you create and track promotions that are a perfect fit – happy hours, for example.

Identify and maximise your downtime

It’s one thing to think you know when your downtime is, and another to know for sure. A restaurant management system pinpoints the quiet and busy times exactly and also provides accurate forecasts based on this data.

This not only helps you identify when you need promotions the most, and determining what they should be – it also helps you to control labour more easily.

Design more creative offerings

As we’ve already noted, plain discounts are not always the best way to stand out – so exactly what should you offer?

EPOS solutions give insight into what’s selling best, so you can design bundled offers such fixed-price menus, or an expensive wine included with items that achieve a high margin.

Another idea is to identify which items people normally share – then discount them so people bring friends.

Build you reputation on social media

No-one makes a purchase these days without viewing online reviews, so it’s a good idea to choose EPOS solutions that offer social media reputation management.

These clever systems can monitor activity across your social media channels and will alert your managers if anyone posts an adverse comment. It means you can act immediately to rectify the issue, a nasty blow to your reputation.

Showing your customers the love

With excellent offers and superb discounts targeted to delight your diners, it’s easy to show you care about your customers.

It should mean they’ll show their love in return by enjoying your food on regular basis – and boost your revenue into the bargain. Now, that’s what you call a two-way relationship!

  • See EPOS solutions in action-watch this video on how leading restaurant group Dishoom uses it