Top 10 Restaurant CRM

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Throughout the hospitality industry, delivering stellar customer experiences is crucial for success.

This is especially true for restaurant owners.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by making use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, tailored specifically for the unique needs of restaurants.

From streamlining reservations and managing customer feedback to creating custom marketing campaigns, the right CRM can transform how you connect with your patrons and optimise your operations for all-round success.

That’s why we’ve curated a list of the top 10 restaurant CRM systems for restaurants that can help you boost customer satisfaction, encourage loyalty, and ultimately drive your business growth.

Whether you’re a small café or a large restaurant chain, these CRM tools offer a variety of features to meet your specific needs.

10 Best Restaurant CRM Systems

  1. Paytronix
  2. Airship
  3. Stampede
  4. SevenRooms
  5. Braze
  6. Como Sense
  7. Punchh
  8. Wisely
  9. OpenTable Relationship Management
  10. Eagle Eye

1. Paytronix

restaurant crm software

Paytronix CRM is a robust customer relationship management solution designed specifically for the restaurant and hospitality industry.

It offers a comprehensive platform that not only helps you manage customer relationships but also drives engagement and loyalty through its powerful suite of tools.

Key Features

  • Personalised Marketing Campaigns: Paytronix CRM allows you to create highly targeted marketing campaigns based on customer data and behaviour. Whether it’s sending tailored offers to frequent diners or re-engaging lapsed customers, the platform’s segmentation capabilities ensure your messaging resonates with each customer.
  • Loyalty Programs Integration: Seamlessly integrate your loyalty programs with Paytronix CRM to reward customers and keep them coming back. The platform tracks customer interactions across various channels, allowing you to offer individualised rewards that enhance customer retention.
  • Advanced Analytics: Paytronix provides in-depth analytics that offer insights into customer preferences, spending habits, and overall satisfaction. These insights enable you to make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing strategies and operational efficiency.
  • Online Ordering and Delivery Integration: With Paytronix, you can integrate online ordering and delivery services, ensuring a cohesive customer experience both in-person and digitally. This integration helps you capture valuable customer data from all touchpoints, which can be used to further enhance and personalise their dining experience.

Why Choose Paytronix CRM?

Paytronix stands out for its ability to combine customer relationship management with powerful loyalty and marketing tools, making it an all-in-one solution for restaurants looking to enhance customer engagement.

Its focus on personalisation and data-driven insights ensures that you can build lasting relationships with your customers while driving repeat business.

2. Airship

marketing automation

Airship is a versatile CRM system designed to help restaurants build meaningful relationships with their customers through effective data management and targeted communication.

Known for its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Airship CRM is a popular choice for restaurants looking to easily elevate their customer engagement strategies.

Key Features

  • Data-Driven Campaigns: Airship CRM excels at turning customer data into actionable insights. By analysing customer behaviour and preferences, the platform allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience. Whether it’s sending out special offers or seasonal promotions, Airship ensures your messages hit the mark.
  • Seamless Integration: One of Airship’s standout features is its ability to integrate smoothly with your existing systems, including POS systems and reservation platforms. This ensures that all customer data is centralised, giving you a complete view of each customer’s journey and interactions with your restaurant.
  • Automated Workflows: Save time and increase efficiency with Airship’s automated workflows. From welcome emails to birthday offers, the platform can automate a wide range of customer communications, ensuring timely and consistent engagement without the need for costly manual intervention.
  • Rich Analytics: Airship provides robust analytics that help you understand the impact of your campaigns. Track metrics such as open rates, conversion rates, and customer retention to continually refine your strategies and achieve better results.

Why Choose Airship CRM?

Airship CRM is ideal for restaurants looking to streamline their customer engagement processes and maximise the value of their data.

Its ability to integrate with existing systems, coupled with powerful automation and analytics, makes it a comprehensive solution for enhancing customer loyalty and driving repeat business.

3. Stampede

customer service solutions

Stampede CRM is an innovative platform designed to help restaurants increase footfall, improve customer retention, and boost revenue through intelligent customer engagement.

With a focus on automation and simplicity, Stampede provides the tools you need to manage customer relationships efficiently while driving growth.

Key Features

  • Automated Customer Engagement: Stampede CRM excels at automating customer interactions, allowing you to send personalised messages and offers without manual effort. From welcome messages to re-engagement campaigns, the platform ensures that your customers are consistently engaged with your brand.
  • Guest Wi-Fi Integration: One of Stampede’s unique features is its integration with guest Wi-Fi. This allows you to capture valuable customer data when they log into your Wi-Fi network, which can then be used to create targeted marketing campaigns and personalised experiences.
  • Loyalty Programs and Rewards: Stampede makes it easy to set up and manage loyalty programs that encourage repeat visits. Whether it’s points-based rewards or exclusive offers, the platform helps you keep your customers coming back.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: With Stampede, you can access detailed analytics that provide insights into customer behaviour, campaign performance, and overall business impact. These insights enable you to make informed decisions and continuously optimise your marketing strategies.

Why Choose Stampede CRM?

Stampede CRM is ideal for restaurants looking to enhance customer engagement through automation and data-driven strategies.

Its integration with guest Wi-Fi and its focus on loyalty make it a powerful tool for building strong, lasting relationships with your customers while driving repeat business.

4. SevenRooms

customer loyalty program

SevenRooms CRM is a comprehensive platform that goes beyond traditional customer relationship management by offering tools designed to enhance the entire guest experience.

From reservations to tailored service, SevenRooms empowers restaurants to deliver exceptional hospitality while building meaningful relationships with their customers.

Key Features

  • Guest Profiles and Personalisation: SevenRooms creates detailed guest profiles that capture important information such as dining preferences, allergies, and past visits. This allows your staff to provide personalised service that delights customers and makes them feel valued, ultimately enhancing the overall dining experience.
  • Reservation Management: SevenRooms seamlessly integrates with your reservation system, enabling you to manage bookings more efficiently. The platform not only tracks reservations but also helps optimise seating arrangements and reduce no-shows through automated reminders.
  • Marketing Automation: With SevenRooms, you can automate your marketing efforts by sending targeted messages and offers to specific guest segments. Whether it’s a birthday promotion or a follow-up after a special event, the platform ensures that your communications are timely and relevant.
  • Loyalty and Retention: SevenRooms helps you build customer loyalty through tailored loyalty programs and rewards. By understanding your guests’ preferences and behaviours, you can create experiences that encourage repeat visits and long-term loyalty.
  • Actionable Insights: SevenRooms provides powerful analytics that give you a deep understanding of your customers and business performance. From tracking guest satisfaction to monitoring campaign success, these insights allow you to continuously refine your strategies.

Why Choose SevenRooms CRM?

SevenRooms CRM is perfect for restaurants that prioritise guest experience and personalisation.

Its ability to manage reservations, deliver personalised service, and automate marketing makes it an invaluable tool for restaurants looking to foster strong customer relationships and improve retention.

5. Braze

streamline operations

Braze is a powerful customer engagement platform that enables restaurants to connect with their customers across multiple channels in a personalised and meaningful way.

Known for its scalability and advanced capabilities, Braze CRM is an excellent choice for restaurants looking to create cohesive, data-driven customer experiences.

Key Features

  • Cross-Channel Messaging: Braze allows you to reach your customers through a variety of channels, including email, SMS, push notifications, and in-app messages. This ensures that your communications are delivered in the right place at the right time, maximising engagement and response rates.
  • Personalisation at Scale: With Braze, you can create highly personalised marketing campaigns tailored to individual customer behaviours and preferences. The platform’s sophisticated segmentation and automation tools make it easy to deliver relevant content to the right audience, whether it’s a special offer or a loyalty reward.
  • Real-Time Data and Analytics: Braze provides real-time data that allows you to monitor customer interactions and campaign performance as they happen. This enables you to make quick adjustments and optimise your strategies on the fly, ensuring that you’re always delivering the best possible customer experience.
  • Integration Capabilities: Braze integrates seamlessly with a wide range of other systems, including POS systems, loyalty programs, and analytics tools. This ensures that all your customer data is connected and accessible, providing a holistic view of each customer’s journey.
  • Campaign Orchestration: Braze’s orchestration tools allow you to manage complex marketing campaigns across multiple channels with ease. From scheduling messages to coordinating cross-channel efforts, the platform helps you maintain consistency and coherence in your customer communications.

Why Choose Braze CRM?

Braze CRM is ideal for restaurants looking to engage customers across multiple touchpoints with personalised, data-driven messaging.

Its ability to handle complex campaigns and provide real-time insights makes it a powerful tool for enhancing customer engagement and driving business growth.

6. Como Sense

rich guest data

Como Sense is a versatile CRM platform designed to help restaurants enhance customer engagement and loyalty through advanced data analysis and personalised experiences.

With a focus on creating seamless and rewarding customer journeys, Como Sense empowers restaurants to build strong, lasting relationships with their patrons.

Key Features

  • Personalised Loyalty Programs: Como Sense offers robust tools for creating customised loyalty programs that resonate with your customers. Whether it’s a points-based system, punch cards, or exclusive VIP rewards, the platform allows you to design a loyalty program that fits your brand and encourages repeat visits.
  • Advanced Customer Segmentation: With Como Sense, you can segment your customers based on their behaviour, preferences, and demographics. This allows you to deliver highly targeted marketing campaigns and offers that are tailored to each customer group, maximising engagement and conversion rates.
  • Mobile App Integration: Como Sense provides seamless integration with mobile apps, enabling you to offer a personalised and convenient experience to your customers. Through the app, customers can easily access their loyalty rewards, receive personalised offers, and make reservations, all while staying connected to your brand.
  • Automated Marketing Campaigns: The platform’s automation capabilities allow you to set up and run marketing campaigns with minimal manual effort. From sending welcome messages to new customers to re-engaging lapsed ones, Como Sense ensures that your communications are timely and relevant.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Como Sense offers detailed analytics that give you insights into customer behaviour, campaign effectiveness, and overall business performance. These insights help you make informed decisions and continually optimise your marketing strategies.

Why Choose Como Sense CRM?

Como Sense CRM is perfect for restaurants that want to build personalised loyalty programs and engage customers through data-driven marketing.

Its mobile integration and automation features make it easy to provide a seamless and rewarding customer experience, helping to drive loyalty and increase revenue.

7. Punchh

existing customers

Punchh CRM is a leading customer loyalty and engagement platform tailored specifically for the restaurant industry.

Known for its ability to drive repeat business through personalised marketing and robust loyalty programs, Punchh helps restaurants build strong connections with their customers across multiple channels.

Key Features

  • Omnichannel Loyalty Programs: Punchh allows you to create and manage comprehensive loyalty programs that operate seamlessly across in-store, online, and mobile channels. Whether customers are dining in, ordering takeout, or engaging with your brand online, Punchh ensures a consistent and rewarding experience.
  • AI-Driven Personalisation: Punchh leverages artificial intelligence to deliver personalised marketing campaigns that are tailored to individual customer behaviours and preferences. The platform’s AI capabilities enable you to predict customer needs and engage them with the right offers at the right time, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Real-Time Data Insights: Punchh provides real-time data analytics that give you a deep understanding of customer behaviour, campaign performance, and overall business impact. These insights help you refine your marketing strategies, optimise your loyalty programs, and make informed decisions that drive growth.
  • Mobile App Integration: With Punchh, you can easily integrate your loyalty programs into a custom-branded mobile app. This allows customers to access rewards, receive personalised offers, and engage with your brand directly from their smartphones, improving both convenience and engagement.
  • Simple Integrations: Punchh integrates with a wide range of POS systems, online ordering platforms, and other restaurant technologies, ensuring that all customer data is centralised and accessible. This integration enables you to create a unified customer experience across all touchpoints.

Why Choose Punchh CRM?

Punchh CRM is an excellent choice for restaurants looking to enhance customer loyalty through personalised, data-driven engagement.

Its AI-driven personalisation, omnichannel loyalty programs, and real-time analytics make it a powerful tool for building lasting customer relationships and driving repeat business.

8. Wisely

contact management

Wisely CRM is a powerful customer engagement and intelligence platform designed to help restaurants understand and connect with their customers on a deeper level.

By combining advanced data analytics with targeted marketing capabilities, Wisely enables restaurants to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive loyalty.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Guest Profiles: Wisely CRM creates detailed guest profiles that capture important information such as dining preferences, visit history, and spending patterns. This allows you to tailor interactions, as well as your service, to meet the unique needs of each guest, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Waitlist and Reservation Management: Wisely offers robust tools for managing waitlists and reservations, ensuring a smooth and efficient dining experience for your guests. The platform’s predictive analytics help optimise table turnover and reduce wait times, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Predictive Analytics: Wisely’s predictive analytics capabilities allow you to anticipate customer needs and behaviours, enabling you to engage them with timely and relevant offers. Whether it’s predicting when a customer is likely to return or identifying high-value guests, these insights help you make data-driven decisions that boost loyalty.
  • Personalised Marketing Campaigns: With Wisely, you can create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your customers. The platform’s segmentation and automation tools ensure that your messages reach the right audience at the right time, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Integrations: Wisely integrates seamlessly with a variety of restaurant technologies, including POS systems, reservation platforms, and loyalty programs. This integration ensures that all customer data is connected and accessible, providing a holistic view of each guest’s journey.

Why Choose Wisely CRM?

Wisely CRM is ideal for restaurants that want to deepen their understanding of their customers and deliver personalised experiences that drive loyalty.

Its advanced analytics, reservation management, and seamless integrations make it a comprehensive solution for enhancing customer engagement and improving operational efficiency.

9. OpenTable Relationship Management

customer journey

OpenTable Relationship Management is a CRM solution that leverages the power of one of the world’s most popular reservation platforms to help restaurants build and maintain strong relationships with their guests.

Designed with the unique needs of the restaurant industry in mind, OpenTable’s CRM tools offer valuable insights and personalised engagement opportunities.

Key Features

  • Integrated Reservation Management: OpenTable CRM is seamlessly integrated with OpenTable’s reservation platform, allowing you to capture and utilise guest data directly from reservations. This integration ensures that you have access to comprehensive guest profiles, including dining preferences, special requests, and visit history.
  • Personalised Guest Experience: With OpenTable CRM, you can deliver a more personalised dining experience by leveraging guest data to tailor your service. From greeting repeat customers by name to anticipating their favourite dishes, these personalised touches enhance the overall guest experience and encourage repeat visits.
  • Automated Marketing Campaigns: OpenTable allows you to create and send automated marketing campaigns based on guest data. Whether it’s a thank-you message after a visit, a special offer for a birthday, or a re-engagement campaign for lapsed guests, OpenTable helps you stay connected with your customers in a meaningful way.
  • Feedback and Reviews Management: OpenTable provides tools to manage and respond to guest feedback and reviews directly through the platform. This helps you maintain a positive online reputation while addressing any issues that may arise, ensuring that guests feel heard and valued.
  • Actionable Insights: OpenTable CRM offers detailed analytics that provide insights into guest behaviour, dining trends, and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. These insights enable you to make informed decisions that enhance guest satisfaction and drive business growth.

Why Choose OpenTable Relationship Management?

OpenTable Relationship Management is an excellent choice for restaurants that want to leverage the extensive data captured through reservations to enhance customer engagement.

Its integration with the reservation platform, coupled with personalised marketing and feedback management tools, makes it a powerful solution for improving guest relationships and driving loyalty.

10. Eagle Eye

customer relationship management crm

Eagle Eye is a leading digital marketing platform that empowers restaurants to connect with their customers through personalised, data-driven engagement strategies.

By offering a suite of tools designed to enhance loyalty and drive customer retention, Eagle Eye helps restaurants build stronger relationships and increase repeat business.

Key Features

  • Digital Loyalty Programs: Eagle Eye allows you to create and manage digital loyalty programs that are easy for customers to join and use. Whether it’s through a mobile app, email, or in-store, Eagle Eye’s platform ensures that your loyalty programs are seamlessly integrated across all touchpoints.
  • Personalised Marketing Campaigns: With Eagle Eye, you can design and execute personalised marketing campaigns that resonate with your customers. The platform’s segmentation and targeting capabilities enable you to send relevant offers and messages based on customer preferences and behaviours, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Real-Time Customer Insights: Eagle Eye provides real-time analytics and insights into customer behaviour, helping you understand what drives engagement and loyalty. These insights allow you to tailor your marketing strategies to better meet the needs of your customers and optimise your campaigns for better results.
  • Omnichannel Engagement: Eagle Eye supports omnichannel engagement, allowing you to reach your customers through various channels such as email, SMS, social media, and mobile apps. This ensures that your brand remains top of mind, no matter where your customers are interacting with you.
  • System Integrations: Eagle Eye integrates with a wide range of existing systems, including POS systems and CRM platforms, to ensure that all customer data is centralised and accessible. This integration helps create a unified customer experience across all platforms.

Why Choose Eagle Eye CRM?

Eagle Eye CRM is ideal for restaurants looking to enhance customer loyalty through digital innovation and personalised engagement.

Their focus on real-time insights, omnichannel marketing, and seamless integration makes it a powerful tool for building lasting customer relationships and driving business growth.


As more and more of the competition adopt CRM’s, staying connected with your customers and delivering personalised experiences is more important than ever.

The right CRM platform can make all the difference in how you manage customer relationships, drive loyalty, and ultimately grow your business.

Whether you’re looking for advanced analytics, seamless integrations, or powerful marketing automation, the CRMs we’ve highlighted offer a range of features designed to meet the unique needs of the restaurant industry.

By investing in one of these top CRMs, you can streamline your operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and build lasting relationships that keep your guests coming back.

Explore these options, evaluate your specific needs, and make a decision that will support your restaurant’s growth and success in the long run.

Contact NFS Hospitality for help choosing the right platform for your needs.